Although the title is
slightly misleading, there was a reunion of sorts. But it was not held at Campfire nor did it include any of the friends I've made there, except one. My very first foreign visit since I arrived in South Africa and needless to say I was looking forward to it. Not only because since my remote location makes any visit from Europe (or US for that matter) a bit of a challenge and therefore a rare occurrence, but also because I wanted to hear some first hand news, any news, from back home. It would also be interesting to get an outsider's opinion about life here in Augrabies, as I have grown used to it by now - the shock when I return home next year is not something I'm looking forward to.
Still being in possession of my precious rental car I went to pick up my Campfire buddy from the
busstation in Upington, 120km away. Unfortunately it was a Saturday afternoon, the time of the week when the roads in South Africa are not for the faint of heart. Especially in our rural areas, many people like to unwind during the weekends in very colourful ways - usually some heavy drinking is involved beforehand - and lying, tumbling and crawling over the roads is one of them. Doing my best to dodge the masses and nearly failing as a little girl suddenly came out of nowhere and crossed the road, I couldn't help but think if these people had made some kind of communal suicide pact...I believe one man succeeded in this because I saw his unconscious/lifeless body lying in the ditch next to the road. I presumed he was just passed out, but one never knows around here.
In any case no roadkill -human or otherwise - was committed and we safely arrived back at Augrabies. First thing's first of course, we immediately began watching the homevideo's from Campfire which I got from Laetitia when I was there in January. The very worst of the worst, our Circle of Death party, we had already seen and were not keen to see again however so we skipped over that one.
Having a friend from home visit made me feel as if I were on holiday as well, I had obviously
taken the week off, and I was determined to see as much of the park as possible. And the best way to achieve this was of course by hiking the (in)famous Klipspringer Trail once again. The summer heat was decidedly gone however so the going was a lot easier than the first time. I do feel a bit guilty for taking my friend out on what is a tough trail any time of the year and especially the last day was a bit of a struggle, but we made it in the end. I do hope the pain has gone by now, so if you're reading this please except my humble apologies once again for making you walk it...
We did have several great wildlife sightings along the way however, chief among which is
without a doubt the mighty fish eagle that was resting on a tree along the river on day two of the trail. I managed to get a good snap of him (or her, tough to tell with fish eagles) as he flying off. We also had some very close encounters with three giraffe who did not notice us approaching until the last few meters and with a gemsbok (oryx) who was so lost in his own thoughts that he nearly ran us over.
In the end we spent a great week discovering the park. It was especially important to me as
having a friend from home come to visit made me realize that the world I left is still there and waiting for me to come back to it. That sounds a bit dramatic I know, but it is the truth. Although instead of making me want to come home again, this visit gave me new strength and motivation to live out here in remotest Africa until the end of the year. My friends will all still be there when I return and that thought keeps me going.
(Thanks for coming to visit me Hil, good luck with the research and see you on the flipside. Oh, and don't forget to take off your sunglasses when it gets too dark :P)
(The first day of the Trail, struggling through reedbeds)
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